Les numéros

Le Mook LFC #1 – La Version Print




LFC Magazine est un bimestriel de 108 pages lancé en avril 2019 par Christophe Mangelle, fondateur du site www.lafringaleculturelle.fr




Femme discrète, singulière qui défend la tolérance, le droit d’être différent, à travers les personnages qu’elle incarne à l’écran et sur les planches, ou par le biais des mots justes, sensibles et précis de son premier roman « Les rêveurs ».


Portrait of Alice Merton (singer) 06/02/2019 ©Arnaud MEYER/Leextra via Leemage 

Après le succès de « No Roots » qui a été #1 des classements iTunes pendant plusieurs semaines en France et dans de nombreux pays, Alice Merton nous présente son premier album « Mint » lors de son passage à Paris.



La révolte par la vanne. Retour sur le succès de Vends 2 pièces à Beyrouth, conversation inédite sur la liberté de la parole et présentation du CFA Le Comédie Festival Africain.


La reine des meilleures ventes du roman feel-good nous présente son nouveau roman.


Mise à nu de l’auteur avec délicatesse et vérité dans son nouveau roman « Un certain Paul Darrigrand ». Entretien inédit.

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

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